Treatment Plan: invigorating massage with pain relief for the legs & lower back

I was fortunate enough to be invited to massage a world champion requesting some work on his lower back and legs whilst at the same time providing an invigorating massage. This is the treatment plan I went for:

  1. Meditation:
    1. Connect to the senses and ground oneself with a short meditation based around micro-cosmic breathing.
  2. The abdomen:
    1. Sweep, brush, & flick the middle jiao using essential oils to stimulate energy flow.
    2. With a hot stone connect to the root chakra to ground and pulse in energy for further stimulation. Leave the stone in place whilst massaging the feet.
  3. The Feet:
    1. Bathe then massage. Stimulate Taixi with a hot stone to ground oneself and stimulate the Chi;
    2. Stimulate points LV4 & GB41 to ease aches & pains.
  4. The Legs:
    1. Sweep, brush, knead and flick the legs using essential oils to stimulate the energy flow;
    2. Stimulate the three-mile point to tone the whole body, address any knee pain & shin splints;
    3. Stimulate the bigger stream to address swollen feet & ankle pain;
    4. Stimulate the high mountain to address sciatica and back pain;
    5. Massage the kidney and liver meridians to stimulate energy & blood flow.
  5. The Back
    1. Apply essential oils to the entire back and shoulders with energetic movements;
    2. Sweep, brush, & flick the energy belt using essential oils to stimulate energy flow;
    3. Massage along the bladder meridians to ease any back pain & tensions and stimulate the inner organs;
    4. Stimulate BL23, BL25 and the Mingmen to localised aches and pains
    5. With a hot stone connect to the root chakra to ground and pulse in energy for further stimulation. Leave the stone in place whilst massaging the legs.
    6. Place hot stones on the bladder meridians to ease further any back pain & tension. Leave the stone in place whilst massaging the legs.
  6. The Back of the Legs:
    1. Apply essential oils to the entire back and shoulders with energetic movements, sweeping, brushing, kneading and flicking;
    2. Remove the hot stones from the bladder meridians;
    3. Connect with the root chakra and remove the stones.
  7. After Care:
    1. may experience some reddening and marking of the skin;
    2. may experience a flare up of the aches & pains;
    3. may re-experience some of the emotions connected with your root chakra as they are released, acknowledge them and let them go;
    4. Drink plenty of water;
    5. Eat a light meal;
    6. Do not shower or bathe for 12 hours to allow the oils to penetrate the skin
    7. Rest
    8. Avoid alcohol, smoking, caffeine and sun exposure
    9. Avoid strenuous exercise
    10. Drink lots of water and herbal tea
    11. Do not take pain killers


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