
The lemon tree, Citrus limon, originates in Asia and is now widely grown around the world. The root of the name is though to derive from either the Arabic word for “citrus fruit. “laimun” or the Persian word “limun." It has been used in ayurvedic medicine for millennia and is thought to have the most powerful anti-microbial activity of all the essential oils. The oil is extracted from the peel by a process of cold expression and contains a wide variety of chemical compounds (Limonene, α-Pinene, Camphene, β-Pinene, Sabinene, Myrcene, α-Terpinene, Linalool, β -bisabolene, trans-α-Bergamotene, Nerol, and Neral) which make it so versatile.
Lemon oil is used in the treatment of :
  • oily skin,  acne, boils and warts
  • arthritis, cellulite, high blood pressure, nosebleeds, varicose veins, rheumatism,  & poor circulation
  • gastric acid, ulcers and dyspepsia
  • asthma, colds and flu
  • it stimulates white blood cell production
  • It also promotes clarity of thought to the extent that it is used in many businesses following on from a  Japanese study which showed that diffusing lemon oil cut errors by 54%.
As a disinfectant it can be used as a household cleaner or in soaps as it has antiseptic properties.  In fact I often wiped down my massage bed and work surfaces with it at the start of the day.

Please note that lemon oil is photo-toxic and can cause skin irritation.


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